You are purchasing a digital file, and nothing will be mailed to you. Please check the email you used when making your purchase for an email from POSH PAPER LADY or SELLFY. That email will contain your download link. Please refer back to the email from POSH PAPER LADY or SELLFY
Your purchase is helping me to achieve my goal of eventually being able to hire someone part time to assist me with the administrative part of running my YouTube channel.
Please make sure that you know where downloads are housed on your personal devices (I am not able to assist with locating downloads on your device). Refer back to the email from POSH PAPER LADY or SELLFY for download questions. This is a non-refundable purchase.
All contents of this digital download are the property of The Posh Paper Lady. This file cannot be copied, shared or distributed for use on any social media. This file is for personal use only, and you can use it to make items for sale. However, you are prohibited from using the contents of this list or video to create an svg.